Velta Construction Teams Up with Lighthouse Charity to Strengthen Workforce Wellbeing

Velta Construction is excited to announce its new role as a Company Supporter of the Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity. This collaborative effort underscores our commitment to creating a supportive work environment – placing the health and wellbeing of our staff and their families top of our priorities.

Every day in the UK, two construction workers take their own lives, and the burden of stress, anxiety, and depression contributes significantly to work-related illnesses. Recognising the gravity of these statistics, Velta Construction has joined forces with the Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity to extend comprehensive emotional, physical, and financial wellbeing support to our staff and their families.

“Improving our workforce’s welfare and wellbeing resonates deeply with us,” says Gavin Tucker, Director at Velta Construction “The decision to become a Company Supporter was rooted in our belief that no construction worker or their family should navigate challenges on their own. We are committed to making a positive impact and standing with the Lighthouse Charity to create a stronger, more resilient industry.”

Aligned with our commitment, and echoing the guiding principles of the Lighthouse Charity, Velta Construction’s partnership with the Lighthouse Charity means our staff and their families can access a range of vital resources for free.

Lighthouse VISION: “No construction worker or their family should be alone in a crisis.”

Lighthouse MISSION: “Reduce construction industry suicides and improve workforce welfare and wellbeing for this generation and the next.”

Lighthouse FUNDING: “We receive no public sector funding and rely on the generosity of the industry to help us to help our own.”

Key Services available for our staff and their families:

24/7 Construction Industry Helpline: Staffed by expert advisors, this helpline offers free and confidential support across a wide range of wellbeing challenges. The helpline number is accessible at 0345 605 1956 (UK).

Text HARDHAT Support Service: The HARDHAT text service provides immediate one-on-one support for various wellbeing concerns. To initiate this responsive and discreet service, a simple text of “HARDHAT” to 85258 (UK) is all that’s needed.

Self Support App: The Construction Industry Helpline App equips users with self-assessment tools, coping strategies, and pathways to expert advice. With daily check-ins that prompt timely interventions based on user responses and a geo-locator feature connecting users with local support services.

We are committed to enhancing our workforce’s overall welfare. As part of our Company Supporter programme, we will also be providing management training, wellbeing champion support, and ongoing wellbeing strategies.

For inquiries about this transformative partnership and our role as a Company Supporter of the Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity, please reach out to us at

To gain a deeper understanding of the services provided by the Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity, we invite you to explore their website at

Together, we build a stronger, supported future.